Just Line Puzzle is simple little addictive grid puzzle game. The game play idea is like as how we play rubic cube. You have to swipe the grids up or sideways to find what actually object picture on it. If the grids, you expect that the arrangement of grids is correct, and the background color is changing, you can tap check button to see how many score you can collect it.Let Try and Have Fun!</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Hanya Baris Puzzle sederhana sedikit adiktif kotak puzzle game. Ide bermain game seperti bagaimana kita bermain rubik. Anda harus menggesek grid atau ke samping untuk menemukan apa yang benar-benar keberatan gambar di atasnya. Jika grid, Anda berharap bahwa susunan grid benar, dan warna latar belakang berubah, Anda dapat menekan tombol cek untuk melihat berapa banyak mencetak Anda bisa mengumpulkan it.Let Coba dan Have Fun!</div> <div class="show-more-end">